

v. 剧增, 飞涨; 涌, 汹涌; (情感的) 涌起
n. 激增; 奔涌向前; (强烈感情的) 突发; 大量, 一大批; 电涌
助记:su-=sub-下方 + rg-=reg-直 + -e。这个词的本义是“自下而上直直升起”,平静的水面骤然升高,巨浪便汹涌而来。

词 源 树


surge (n.) - 15世纪晚期,"fountain, stream",词源不确定,可能源自中古法语sourge-,sourdre "to rise, swell" 的词干,源自拉丁语surgere "to rise, arise, get up, mount up, ascend; attack",缩写自surrigere,源自sub "up from below" 在辅音前的同化形式 (参看:sub-) + regere "to keep straight, guide" (源自PIE词根*reg- "move in a straight line",派生词表示 "to direct in a straight line",thus "to lead, rule")。含义 "high, rolling swell of water" 始于16世纪20年代;比喻含义 "excited rising up" (as of feelings) 始于16世纪10年代。

surge (v.) - 16世纪10年代,"to rise and fall",源自surge (n.),或者源自中古法语surgir "rise, ride (as a ship does a wave),spring up, arrive"。含义 "rise high and roll forcefully" 始于16世纪60年代。同根词:Surged; surging。


1. surge : 来自拉丁语surgere,上升,升起,缩写自surrigere,来自sur-,在下,向上,regere,拉直,升直,词源同regulate,erect.引申词义涌动,浪涌,比喻义激增,飞涨。


#surgen.1.汹涌澎湃,奔腾;突进,席卷2.汹涌澎湃的事物;浪涛般的轰鸣声3.涛,浪;巨浪;浪涛引起的水位上升4.波涛汹涌的大海5.猛增;急剧上升6.【电工学】7.急冲,电涌8.强电振荡9.【船舶学】绞盘腰部10.【航海学】11.(锚链、缆绳的)脱滑,松动;(缆绳、锚链滑脱时产生的)振动12.(浪中行驶时产生的)前后摇摆13.【机械学】(发动机的)喘振,起伏vi.1.(船)颠簸,随波起伏:to surge at anchor抛锚的船随波起伏2.(波涛等)汹涌;奔腾:The blazing magma was surging by us.那会儿,炽热的岩浆正从我们的身边奔腾而过。3.如波涛般汹涌奔腾;发出浪涛般的轰鸣声:The crowd surged back and forth.人群前后蜂拥着。The train surged off the small station.列车轰隆隆地驶离了小站。4.涌起;激增;急剧上升:Blood surged to her face.她的脸腾的一下变得通红。The needs of personal computers were surging in the first half of the year.今年上半年,家用电脑的需求量不断猛增。5.猛冲,急冲:Water surges here down to the hill.河水在这里猛然直冲到山下6.【电学】7.(电流、电压)急增8.强烈振荡,浪涌9.【航海学】10.(缆绳等)退滑11.(绞盘的缆绳、锚链等)松脱,滑脱12.【机械学】(发动机等)喘振,超伏vt.1.使颠簸,使摇摆:My boat was surged through the huge waves.我的小船颠簸着破浪前进。2.使波浪般上涌(或跌落);使奔腾:His palpitation now is surged as thousands of horses are surging forward.此刻他的心跳有如万马奔腾。3.【航海学】突然放松(缆绳等),急放变形vi.surgedsurging#

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